live action

Tantei Gakuen Q

Based on the manga about Dan-sensei who heads a detective school for young geniuses. He chooses one among his students (Kamiki Ryunosuke as Kyuu, Shida Mirai as Megumi, Yamada Ryosuke as Ryuu, Matsukawa Naruki and Wakaba Katsumi as Kazuma, Kaname Jun as Kintaro, Nakao Akiyoshi as Yutaka) to become his successor according to how well he / she solves cases.

Kimi wa Petto

Iwaya Sumire (Koyuki), though considered a "perfect" woman for her intelligence, success and beautiful looks, is going through life’s depression. On a rainy day, Sumire finds an unconscious young man inside a box and takes him home. She names this man "Momo" (Matsumoto Jun) since he looks and acts like her pet dog. We see them fall in love, but will it last?


Yamaguchi Kumiko aka Yankumi (Nakama Yukie) is a female yakuza heir who wants to become a teacher. She is assigned to teach the problematic class 3-D, which consists of troublemakers. She’s got her hands full taking care of all their messes while hiding her true identity.

Full House

This is the drama that brought Korean dramas to mainstream Asia. It is what started all of the contract dating, back and forth relationships and squared pairings starring Bi / Rain as Lee Young Jae and Song Hye Kyo as Han Ji Eun. ’Aja Aja Fighting’